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Citizens State Bank VoiceAccess, an exciting new product, has been installed to assist you in obtaining account information 24 hours a day. Using this system you will also have the ability to transfer funds between your checking and savings accounts, and make loan payments from these accounts.

Instructions on how to use this system can be obtained by downloading our Voice Access Help File. We encourage you to use Citizens State Bank VoiceAccess regarding your checking and savings accounts, CDs or loan. Please feel free to try both the touch-tone and speech recognition features to find which works best for you. You can also use a combination of TouchTone and speech.

A confidential security code is created by you on your first call to the system. When prompted by Citizens State Bank VoiceAccess, use this number, along with any of your account numbers from your statement to obtain your account information.

We will continually strive to bring you fast, friendly service by employing the latest in banking technology. However, we will always be available at our regular number to give you personal service during regular banking hours.

Dial: Local (580) 724-3640 or Toll Free: (877) 724-3640 for 24-hour account information.


Contact Information

Martha Simank - 580-724-3511 / MSimank@CitizensStateBank.net