Letter from the President
Checking and Savings
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Certificates of Deposit
Privacy Policy

Our goal at Citizens State Bank is customer satisfaction and to show that we offer competitive interest rates so you get the most of your money.

Terms: 6 months to 5 years

  • Minimum opening balance $1000.00.
  • Daily balance method used to calculate interest.
  • Interest rate and APY will not change for the term of the account.
  • Interest begins to accrue on the business day you deposit noncash items (for example checks).
  • Option for automatic renewal with 10 days grace period at maturity to withdraw funds.
  • Penalty for early withdrawal.
  • The Annual Percentage Yield assumes the interest will remain on deposit until maturity.
  • Ask about our current rates.


Contact Information

In Morrison
Shannon Condit - 580-724-3511 / SCondit@CitizensStateBank.net

In Stillwater
Ashley Collier - 405-533-3737 / ACollier@CitizensStateBank.net