
Our goal at Citizens State Bank is customer satisfaction and to
show that we offer competitive interest rates so you get the most
of your money.
Terms: 6 months to 5 years
- Minimum opening balance $1000.00.
- Daily balance method used to calculate interest.
- Interest rate and APY will not change for the term of the account.
- Interest begins to accrue on the business day you deposit noncash
items (for example checks).
- Option for automatic renewal with 10 days grace period at maturity
to withdraw funds.
- Penalty for early withdrawal.
- The Annual Percentage Yield assumes the interest will remain
on deposit until maturity.
- Ask about our current rates.

Contact Information
In Morrison
Shannon Condit - 580-724-3511 / SCondit@CitizensStateBank.net
In Stillwater
Ashley Collier - 405-533-3737 / ACollier@CitizensStateBank.net